Convergence and upward motion 辐合上升
characteristics of runoff generation and convergence 产汇流特性
convergence and asymptotic order of the regularized solut 正则解的收敛性与渐近阶
convergence and asymptotic order of the regularized solution 正则解的收敛性与渐近阶
convergence and comparison study of solution 收敛性和比较性研究
convergence and deconvergence 敛散性
convergence and dissimilation 趋同和异化
Convergence and Divergence 敛散性; 辐合辐散; 幅合幅散; 会聚与发散
Convergence and divergence fields 辐合辐散场
convergence and diversity 收敛性和多样性
convergence and error estimate 收敛性与误差估计
convergence and non-convergence 敛散性
Convergence and optimality 收敛性和最优性
convergence and stagnation 收敛和停滞
convergence and summability of series 级数之收敛性
Divergence and convergence 辐散辐合; 陆块裂解—离散—聚合
Existence and convergence 存在性及收敛性
long time stability and convergence 长时间收敛性及稳定性; 长时间稳定性和收敛性
plate convergence and dispersion 板块汇聚与离散